Friday, October 15, 2010

Knives, Hang ropes, Guns, and Tall Buildings

Spread Love to anyone who's hurt!
 Suicide, one of the many reasons for a person's death.
Just so you know, despite all the jumpy, hyperactive, smiling-too-much, always positive, happy person that I am, the greatest depression has come into my life for some time.

Yes, but not only once, I've tried it for so many times. But there is this one thing that always stop me from doing such thing.  And it's not my conscience, but something more than my conscience. Something non-existent that stopped me from continuing my attempt. And that helped me through-out the depressing times up to this very day.

First, let's find out why do people commit/attempt suicide?
The most common among the factors is depression. Associated with it is the psychological impairment that triggers once compulsion to end his/her precious life.

Another thing is the pressure. Peer, school, parents, problems, you name it. They're always around. No matter where you go or what you do, there are some demons around you that would really gives you HELL!

Some countries happens to have a ritual suicide. Take Japan as an example, where is it called Seppuku. This was done by the Samurai's instead of being killed or captured by the enemy, they slit there stomach. Samurai's also do this once they have brought shame, or done an offense that brought shame to them. This serves as a capital punishment for them.

And there are many more factors for people to commit/attempt suicide.

How do they do it???

Well, there are many ways of doing it. But let us show the most commonly done ways for ending your life.

Sorry if I don't have a real gun.
 Guns. There are a lot of people who have used guns for suicide. But since you need some license and stuff to have a gun, perhaps, not so many people use them quite often, unless you have a dad, husband, brother, wife, sister, mother or grandparents who has been or is a police or soldier, something like that.

Now, I used something really deadly
 Knives, absolutely common. Perhaps, any part of your body can be stabbed by a knife, but you have to know the real vital parts that would cause one's death. (Note: I am not encouraging or giving any ideas on how to kill yourself. My main purpose is to stop death to everyone who needs help.)

Yet, another deadly material I used
Hanging. I haven't heard any news about that one quite often, but as far as I know, it's done for sometime.

This is what I did last year.
 Jumping off buildings. I think that this is the most painful death you can ever run into. Just saying though.

Death should not be done by any person, as I see. But instead, it should come naturally, as it is.

Problems are just normal. When they come, they also go. As they say, in a dark cloud, there is a silver lining beneath it. Or something like that. You should still live your life as it is

Spead love, not hate.
 The greatest remedy for depression, stress, etc., is a hug and love for everyone who wants, and need it. So, I leave you a hug and love for you all.

I LOVE YOU ALL!! >:d< ( It's a hug by the way)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Combo!

I Hate Being Sick! To be honest, just thinking the idea of getting sick creeps me out! And another thing. I hate hospitals, even though I have been there for so many times for so many reasons.

Due to the weather changing, I see many people getting cold, cough and sore throat.Well, that one includes me being sick. And that sickness might hold me back on attending the Multi-Ward Activity.

Well, I have some ways to clear your throat, nose and lungs.
Here is some of my ideas on clearing them:

1. If you have a nebulizer (pressurized inhaler), but you ran out of any asthmatic or any lung-clearing medicine, you can use a solution of water and salt. Trust me it works really good. I did that when I lost my inhaler.

2. If you already have the combo's, try drinking lemons with just warm water, perhaps a boiled water that has cooled a little bit cooled, but not too cooled. Otherwise, you won't feel the effect of the lemons.

3. Try taking Vitamin C. You know that cold and cough is the cause of Vitamin C deficiency. So I guess patching those lost Vitamins won't kill someone, I guess. (:D)

4. For the throat, perhaps making a ginger tea would be a great idea. All you need is ginger (DUH!), water, and if you want something sweet, honey would be great. First off, peel the ginger's skin. The best way to peel it is to use a spoon. Yes, a spoon. Because the skin of a ginger is so easy to remove, so the use of peeler may be a disappointment with the ginger's flesh included on the skin. Next, chop them. Or if you want, you can grate them. But I prefer chopping them. Then, put them in a pot with water. The water must be either enough for you or enough for anyone who is also drinking the tea. Wait for it to boil, then when it turns pale yellow, then turn the heat off, and then put the brew into a mug, or a cup, or something that would hold the brew. And then the sweet part comes. If you are a sweet tooth or you just don't want the taste of the ginger, you can put sugar, honey, or anything sweet, like the artificial sweetener. Enjoy the ginger tea, I hope.

5. Gargling a luke warm water with salt is a good way to remove all those phlems hanging in your throat.

6. If all else fails, perhaps ending your life would be a great idea! KIDDING!!!!! Going to a doctor is the best way to end your agony.

I hope that helps you, or at least lessen your nosy burden.


Friday, October 1, 2010


Sounds diabolical? Yeah, I've thought of that too.

Well, just in case you are my friend on Facebook, or at least see my previous statuses, you will notice that I have been doing a countdown. And I have been planning some things that I want to do when we get to Bahrain on  October 7. And since all Saudi wards will be staying overnight, I have planned some activities that is totally out of the schedule (gone rebellious, eh?). But I think it's kinda off or something, but what the hey, there is nothing wrong of trying, right?

So, one of the things I want to do is to play chubby bunny. I know the game may go all drooly and messy with all the marshmallow goo's that may spill off, but I hope that it would be fun. Well, as far as I want to reveal all the things I want to happen, I guess one is enough  for me not to be discovered and be squealed to the leaders, and ban me! (I don't think so!)

But anyways, I will make this multi-ward activity so memorable, they won't forget it for the rest of our lives. No, seriously, I will do that. But I won't do any shenanigans that would surely make them remember the activity because I ruined it, NO! I won't let that happen, EVER!

Now, back to reality. And when I mean reality, I mean the DREAM LAND! Just kidding.

SO, everything in the check list is OK except for the visas. That is the one that we have to wait for, but it would only take like few hours or a day to finish those Bahrain visas.

Everything is K , OK!


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