Saturday, February 25, 2012

I am not your Typical Mormon dude

SO, I guess you have an idea that I'm actually Mormon. But if some of you don't, then here is goes.

I'm a Mormon, and I'm proud of it!

Yes! You saw it right. But I have some things that are a bit out of the being.

What do I mean by that? I'll enumerate some stuffs that I do that are too eccentric. But I can guarantee you, I still abide on the standards that are given on being a Mormon.

Mildly eccentric part:

I stay up all night and never minds what the time it is
I say what I think...... especially when it's about being frank on one thing
I'm a very loud person, even in sacrament meetings (I whisper loudly (Irony, it's funny))
I go to dance club, and dance as if I'm drunk and never get to have any sip of their "poisonous" drink.

Eccentric at it's mediocrity part:

I easily get offended, but easily forgets what I am offended about
I often forget my name, especially when I see some b-e-a-u-t-i-full sister right in front of me
I dance in the middle of the street when I hear a good music going on, or in super markets

Strictly eccentric part:

I go to Starbucks..... to leech on their internet and not to buy something.... THEIR FRAPPE ARE SO DARN EXPENSIVE ON MY BUDGET!
I can sing on the karaoke for hours and hours and never get tired of my voice, even though the people around me are starting to be pissed about it.
I dance with my undies only.... when no one is around, at least
I go anywhere and wear boxers and a jogging shirt without giving a dang on what people thinks
I listen to harder than rock, screaming metal people voices, and absolutely classical rock at the brink of silence.... In other words, I play loud music when people are asleep.
I can drink a whole litter of soda in one day, and not get sick, or more ;)
I sleep with my undies only, and shirtless.

I think that's the only attributes I can see to myself when I'm around people, or at least when there are people around me.

But I'm guessing my eccentricity would be gone by the time I leave for serving a full-time mission. But it might go back when I get back from serving... what do you think?? But we'll never know the possibilities, eh? Well, all I can say is that I am not your typical Mormon dude, but I can be you typical bestest friend.  (wink wink)

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I Love Selena Gomez, I Just Hate The ONE She's dating with!!

(Disclaiming Notation: What you are about to see is another one of my hate post about your favorite idol, Justin Bieber. If you are a fan, you can either continue reading or take the risk of being hurt from all the things I am about to say about your idol. It's your choice, deary.)
Isn't she just lovely?!
Selena Gomez, one of the best teen celebrity I've seen so far on the Disney television. She is beautiful. She is talented. She has those good bazzangga's, if you know what I mean. She is over-all a worth-having-for to anyone who likes or admires her... and that includes me.

But there is one thing that really that bugs my enthusiasm towards my admiration for Selena.... THE-ONE-WHO-SHALT-NOT-BE-NAMED!!!! (Sounds like Voldemort? Well, DANG YOU And get out!)

As you may remember to my old posts, you just know how I hate him so much. Here is there link of it, to refresh you how much I hate him.

Well, I remember the first time I've heard the rumors that she is dating THE-ONE-WHO-SHALT-NOT-BE-NAMED 3 years back, before I made the hate post. Then, when I knew that she is ACTUALLY dating him........ just picture a cracking fissure on my imaginary world, and flames are popping out of those fissure, as if hell opened up!!

Enough exaggerations. Let's get to the real point in here.
I see two girls

One thing I don't like about the dude she's dating is for some valid reasons
1. There was once report that he cut off his performance here in the Philippines, and some fans weren't satisfied at it
2. Consecutive to the concert, he arrogantly shooed away the reporter that was in his dressing room. Needless to say, they said he had an "illness".
3. I had a friend of mine, who said that there was an earlier incident in Hawaii about him being arrogant. He said that he was being a hooligan in Hawaii, I just can't remember the thing he did there.

In conclusion, I'm going to attempt to grab Selena all the way from U.S. to here, where I'm at. KIDDING! All I want to say is that she is way beyond his standard to be worth being his B.F., I mean come on! She looks better with me! KIDDING AGAIN!

Kidding aside, she is like something way beyond for him. She could have dated at least a Jonas brother, or someone out of the Hollywood industry. Well, it's all on her choice. Everything is all on her hands and head.

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