Friday, July 1, 2016

When It Rains, Bring a Bucket!


So this past few days, it has been raining like crazy. Not to mention, starting from May, it's basically the rainy season. In lieu of this blissful season, I would like to focus on a different type of rain that has been occurring to me for the past few months. And when I am saying about rain, I don't mean to put it in a negative way, since a lot of people would have such mindset towards it because of the bad effects that may do to some of the people.

Since the time of my departure from my previous employment, many have commented towards my rush decision. I must admit, it only took me one night to finalize my decision. And without having a second thought, I stepped my foot down to tell my immediate head of my planned departure. They tried their best to make stay, but one thing that I have shown is that when I make a decision, it is what I want. It wasn't really much about the pay, or even with the people I am working with, but it's more of a personal choice to make a turn into my career path.

Just a few weeks after my chosen act, I have received a highly unexpected phone call. The phone call actually came from that one place I dreamed of always working in, the Missionary Training Center- Manila. Though it's a typical R.M.'s (returned missionary) dream career, it was actually a fulfillment of one of my goals before I went home from my mission. And now, I am about to become a facilitator in the MTC Manila.

Another part of the "glorious rain" that just got poured to me was with much dating and meeting with
the opposite gender, I was so blessed that there is someone who still recognizes the potential that is inside of me. I will not disclose any names yet, until that we (Yes, we) will confirm about our relationship status.

To show you some brief history of how we have met each other, I will spill some things on how we came about and knew each other. Basically, we met at an activity that was organized by a couple YSA's (Young Single Adults). I wasn't really planning on coming, but since some of my friends were persuasive and EAGER (I put an emphasis on it since they were more excited for me to find a date than I do) in order for me to find a nice girl that I can meet. So with all the persuasion, I went with them.

And so we were at the activity with a lot of people coming from different stakes (a unit of area determined by geographical location). And so I was partnered with "this girl". We got to know each other, and then we exchanged numbers (As far as I remember... or maybe not). But we didn't basically date until a few events happened. I was basically experiencing the darkest hours of my life before we started dating and getting to know each other. And after a brief moment, we started to date- inviting her over for a Family Home Evening, and going to the temple.

We had some time that we were not dating, but we still keep in contact. She went back to her hometown, and I stayed here in Manila. But we would talk every now and then. Until we had a talk that really hit us hard. We gave it another shot on dating and until we make some decisions... And so we will wait for the next story to come.

Basically, everything that are coming are so unexpected. And I just love some things come into the right way though it took some time for those things to come about. It may have taken longer than expected, nevertheless it still came all at the right time too.

So to put things in perspective: Never give up on waiting! You'll never  know when the things you deserve will come. So just keep on waiting patiently, and trusting and believing it will come.

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